Investigative Services
Investigative Services
As President and Managing Director, John Mallul has over thirty years of combined investigative experience, both as an attorney and former Supervisory Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mr. Mallul leverages his actual investigative and courtroom experience all for the benefit of superior results to the client. While in private law practice, Mr. Mallul was principally engaged in criminal defense. With respect to federal service, he has held positions within the Bureau as an investigative Special Agent in addition to various management roles. Mr. Mallul has undertaken a number of sophisticated investigations from white collar crime to the application of civil and criminal RICO statutes, to include the successful resolution of the "Family Secrets" case involving the conviction of several high profile members of organized crime. Most recently, he has been involved in the foreign intelligence and threat collection arena with our national and international intelligence community partners, developing liaison and a well respected working relationship. Over the course of his professional Bureau career, Mr. Mallul has provided investigative training over a wide range of subjects to various local, state, federal and international law enforcement agencies. In addition to receiving a number of recognition awards from the Bureau, Mr. Mallul has received awards from the Chicago Crime Commission, the United States Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Illinois, and most notably the "Director's Award" for superior performance in litigation presented by the Department of Justice. Mr. Mallul has provided subject matter expert opinion in police practices litigation. Furthermore, Mallul Investigations, Inc. maintains membership in InfraGard, and the Private Directors Association.